Ales stenar

Ales Stenar

Ales Stenar is an ancient megalithic monument of Sweden. It is the largest and best-preserved ship setting in Sweden. It consists of 59

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Reykjadalur Valley

Iceland – Day 6

The last day was the most adventurous of all. Snowmobiles on the Langjökull glacier!!! Can it be even better!? What about the relaxing

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Kerið Crater

Iceland – Day 5

The fifth day was the longest driving-wise. We had ~600km between our accommodations. Additionally, we had to make it to the next hotel

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About me

My name is Marta. I am a tech girl that loves traveling, taking pictures, and dressing up. I am Polish by blood and spent my childhood there. I went for Erasmus to Denmark, and somehow it turned out to be way longer than I estimated : ) I have spent the last 11 years in Denmark, which became my second home. I hope you will enjoy my posts!

Places I have visited so far

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World map

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