


After seeing the picture of this cliff everywhere for couple years now I had to finally go there too!! So I sat down one day in front of the computer and looked for the first available date and booked flight to Bergen.

What is Trolltunga:

Trolltunga is an amazing looking cliff situated ~1100 meters above sea level that hovers over lake Ringedalsvatnet. The hike to the cliffs is 23 km both ways and takes ~ 12 hours. Not only the cliff is spectacular but also the whole hike through the fiord.

How long does it take:

We have walked for 9,5h both ways and took ~2,5h of breaks for photos and rest. There were a lot of people who walked faster than us but there were also a lot of people we left behind.

There was a pair that did not make it down before 10pm (at 8 it started to be dark) and emergency units got notified and the rescue party went on to search for them.


Notify your hotel, if your staying in one, that you plan to go to Trolltunga and plan to go back in the same day, so in case you are going to be delayed they can notify emergency unit.

On the trail there are also two emergency cabins that you might use if you get caught on the trail during the night. You can shelter there, there is also first aid kit and some provisions. Just make sure you leave it the way you saw it.


Start early!! We were at the parking lot in front of the trail at 8:00 am- that was way too late! We got almost the last spot on the parking lot (it costs 200NOK) and for the first kilometer we were walking in one line one after another. There were surprisingly a lot of people!

Before the hike I have read some blogs where everyone have written that first kilometer is just horrible. Well, it is not that bad when going up. On the other hand, going down was a TORTURE. It was agony for your knees. I was really glad I’ve taken trekking poles with me. My friend was not that lucky and she couldn’t walk afterwards. The first kilometer is also the majority of the ascent so the rest of the trail goes up and down just a little bit so it is not that hard.

We were also lucky it was sunny because those steps with the mud would be a perfect murder weapon!

Once you are done with forest, you can finally start enjoying amazing views! From there on the hike is just pure pleasure!! No matter how many words I write about the route it will not be enough to describe how awesome it was. So instead take a look at the pictures and judge yourself!


Don’t be worried about not being able to find the trail. Along the way there are a lot of piles of stones (cairns also called varde) with red T painted on them that will help you with your hike.

And after you are done with your 11 kilometers there is finally time to take your epic photo!!


Just remember, even though all pictures you see everywhere are spectacular, awesome and usually there is only you with the great view, the reality is a little bit more brutal. Unfortunately, there is a QUEUE to take a photo! And I mean it… We had to wait 2 hours in it before we could take a photo!! All people were really nice and there were a lot deals made with everyone exchanging phones and cameras. At some point I was standing with 3 iPhones in my hand pressing buttons like crazy!!

And this is what the reality looks like:


After we were done with taking photos and started going back we found this sign:


Which was really funny as everyone was sitting on the edge 🙂 Even the official promo picture features a person sitting on the rock 😀

After the trek we were dead! If we were to redo it, we would most probably choose to sleep on top, relax and enjoy the views for much longer! But I do not regret a single drop of sweat! It was AWESOME!!!!!!

Below I wrote some information that you might find useful when planning the trip. As they say learn from my experiences and mistakes:D

When to go there:

The season starts mid of June until mid of Sept. It is possible to hike outside of the season but be carefull about the weather. One thing I have learned  through all the hikes I have done, is that mountains need to be taken seriously!

How to get there:

As my friend and I have landed in Bergen at 11.30pm on Friday evening and really wanted to start the climb early in the morning (we had flight back on Sunday) we had to get to Odda as fast as possible (Odda and Tyssedal are cities relatively close to where route to Trolltunga starts). So we decided to rent a car and drive to our hotel.


  • If you rent a car outside normal opening hours be prepared to pay more . In our case it was ~1300NOK for 2 days instead of ~550NOK
  • It is a good idea to get extra damage insurance.

There are some roads where only one car can fit and if you are not used to driving on narrow paths you might end up scratching a car (or you might get super lucky, like we did, and pick a random Norwegian girl who can maneuver on a curve with the big bus that is trying to squeeze in)

It took us ~3.5h to drive to Odda,  we took a way around the lake as ferry didn’t run through the night.

It is possible to get there with public transportation, this link might help you, but it goes less frequently outside of the season and will probably require a couple of different methods of transportation.

Where to sleep:

You can choose from several different options depending on your budget. As I mentioned before Odda and Tyssedal are the places that are relatively close and there is plenty accommodation there.

You can choose:

  • a hotel or a hostel – we have chosen hostel as we were going there late September and were really unsure about weather conditions and temperature. Additionally, we have arrived to the destination at 3.30 in the morning so we didn’t really feel like setting up a tent 🙂 We have paid 2000 NOK for two nights in double room, which was quite expensive (but hey it’s Norway, everything is hell expensive!).


Book the place in advance, when we have arrived the hostel was totally booked up!

  • Airbnb
  • Couchsurfing
  • Camping – if you are lucky enough with the weather definitely choose this option!

First of all, you will save up a lot of money. There are many different camp sites all around and according to Norwegian law you are allowed to set your tent where you want, as long as  you won’t disturb anyone and leave the place the same way as you found it. For more info about camping rules follow this link.

Second of all, doing the trip over two days is much easier and you won’t feel dead afterwards. Another bonus is that you will get a chance to sleep on top of the cliff, see the stars and take some amazing photos after the whole crowd is gone!


What to bring:

At the start of the trail you will see a short guide as to what you might need.


  • bottle for water – you just need one bottle, there are plenty streams to refill it and the water is clear and so tasty! I really regretted I couldn’t take any back home 🙁
  • waterproof hiking boots – good shoes are the most important part of your equipment!! Don’t try going with flip-flops or sandals! You will walk for ~12h, do your feet a favor and get comfy shoes.And if you bought a  new pair, try it out before going for a hike.
  • layers of cloths – the weather changes in the mountains like crazy. Be prepared for rain and cold. Be prepared to sweat like a pig 🙂 Take different layers that you can put them on and off. Pair of gloves and hat might also be useful.
  • waterproof cloths – it might rain and it most probably will. As one girl told us on the trail, our weekend was actually first weekend without a rain.
  • first aid kit – in case your shoes hurt your feet or something else happens. As they say better save than sorry 🙂
  • headlight – you never know how long you will be stuck on a mountain. I had a couple of hikes where I had to go down from the mountain in the darkness – it was creepy and dangerous. Don’t make that mistake 🙂
  • toilet paper – there is no toilets on the mountain. Belive me, there is only nature! So in case nature will call you for option number 2, bring a toilet paper with you.
  • lunch – there are no shops there either 🙂 Take some sandwiches and some candies for extra sugar rush!
  • camera – you have to document the hike, duuh! And the views are amazing, so make sure you capture those.
  • trekking poles – it was my first time using them and I couldn’t have been more grateful. Especially when going down on the last kilometer!  After the trek my friend went and bought a pair.


Hope you will have amazing hike!!

4 thoughts on “Trolltunga”

  1. This is perfect! I was just looking at photos of Trolltunga. I’m planning to be there next year in May. Good to know I should probably have a guide then. Your photos are stunning, good work!

    • Thank you! You should totally go! You don’t really need a guide just make sure you are prepared for weather conditions and have good shoes. You won’t get lost, there is plenty of signs 🙂


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