Every two years, the Kongelige Teater puts on a show under the open sky in Jægersborg Dyrehave, and this year’s spectacle was called “Kong Artur.”
Now, let me start with a confession: theater has never really been my thing. Let’s blame the traumatic “mandatory theater appreciation trips” from primary school. Those experiences drained the life out of the theater for me faster than you can say Shakespeare.
But this year, my work was handing out free tickets, my friends were going, and I thought, Well, why not? What’s the worst that could happen?
Spoiler Alert: I Loved It.
The day of the show, the heavens decided to put on their own performance – it poured. Yet, armed with my waterproof jacket, I sat through two hours of nonstop action. And honestly? I was mesmerized.
There was so much happening on stage! Horses galloped dramatically, motorcycles roared, and fireworks lit up the gloomy sky. Oh, and the music? Absolutely superb.
Okay, so there’s one tiny downside: the entire show was in Danish. And let’s just say, my Danish is… under construction. Occasionally, I had no clue what the actors were saying, but you know what? It didn’t matter! The story, the visuals, and the sheer energy of the performers carried me along. Sometimes, it’s fun to let the imagination fill in the gaps.
So, if you’re even a little curious, I’d say give it a go. Rain or shine, “Kong Artur” is a truly magical experience. You can find more details on the theater’s website here.