
Recap of 2021

Recap 2021

2021 passed like lightning; just moments ago, I celebrated last New Year, and here we are again, yet another year passed by.

Even though I have not managed to return to my regular traveling schedule, and my trips are still being postponed, canceled, and very uncertain, I have managed to squeeze in some exciting places. I dragged my boyfriend all over Denmark and Poland, discovering exciting new locations in both countries. I did some camping, started sub-boarding with my best friend, and visited my other best friend in Tenerife. I enjoyed finally having an opportunity of seeing my family and taking a plane to visit them instead of a dreadful 15 hours drive 🙂 Somehow, I ended up running out of weekends, even though I hadn’t booked anything.

I invested more time into improving my photography and started Instagram accounts for macro and wildlife photography in addition to the usual travel/landscape one. My camera backpack got heavier with new lenses, and my head is full of ideas about where to go next! I spent some time giving my website a new look and fulfilled my dream of creating my first calendar. Thank you all for making me feel butterflies in my stomach by purchasing a copy. You made my day <3

I celebrated significant milestones at work thanks to passing two lengthy practical exams, started writing a work-related blog, and learned so many new cool work-related things.

But this year was also challenging; I struggled with adjusting to going back to work full time and not being allowed to do much of hybrid work when most of my friends were. Two years of isolation weakened my immune system so much that I became sick every month, forcing me to cancel many of my plans and bringing my spirits down.

But I look hopefully into the New Year and the year to come. I wish for my family and friends to stay safe and healthy. I hope my skiing trip will not be canceled again, and I will be able to finally show my boyfriend the beauty of snowy mountain tops and the joy of skiing on white piste. I wish that the world would open up soon, and we would go back to new normal. That I can return to what I love doing and what gives me joy and energy – traveling. I still aim at writing more about past trips, but let’s see how it goes; I don’t really have a good track record 🙂

And I hope all of you will enjoy the new year, stay safe, healthy and fulfill your wishes.

Happy New year, all of you!!

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